Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report


Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report


Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report

Whether you’re looking for a career move or just starting out in the working world, the Strong Interpretive Report can guide you toward occupations and styles of work that are shown to work best with your interests, hobbies, preferences, favorite subjects, and more. The Strong Interpretive Report can be used to gain some insight into whether or not you’d be happy in a career that you are thinking of, whether or not you’ll be happy in a career move that you make, and whether or not your current career is going to make you happy in the long run.

The Strong Interest Inventory® Profile gives you a list of careers highly admired and highly chosen by those with interests and preferences similar to yours. It breaks down your preferences and inclinations into six General Occupational Themes, which give a broad record of what sorts of jobs you would enjoy. It then delves deeper by describing 30 Basic Interest Scales. Finally, Occupational Scales take your results and comparing them to others with similar interests who have shown high rates of happiness and success in their careers.

The Strong Interest Inventory Profile not only tells you what occupations you are more likely to prefer—it also describes how you work best in certain work situations, whether that means learning on the job, working with others, managing others, or taking chances in the workplace. By understanding how you work best, you can apply changes to your current occupation and succeed more, or put these changes into motion in a new career, giving you a chance at elevated happiness at your job of choice and with life in general.

Direct your future based on what you like and enjoy, providing you with a happier, more fulfilling life and career. The Strong Interest Inventory® Profile uses an extensive analysis of your interests and preferences to guide you towards a career that best suits who you are on a personal level. Depending on your likes and dislikes compared to others in specified fields, you may find a fulfilling career previously unthought-of, helping guide you down the road to success and happiness.

Along with the elements of the Strong Interest Inventory Profile (such as your most popular careers, most popular occupational areas, and your break-down of how you best work), the 19 page Interpretive Report provides:

  • A detailed description of the top ten potential careers for those with your likes and dislikes, including duties and specific skills necessary

  • Leisure activities associated with your top interests

  • Your top career motivators: what makes you want to do these types of jobs

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Your report starts with the 10-page Profile, followed by the 9-page Interpretive report. The Strong career test online has 291 questions and takes about 35-40 minutes to complete. It requires an 8th grade reading level and is suitable for those 14 yrs. old and above.