iStartStrong Online Career Assessment


iStartStrong Online Career Assessment

Sale Price:$59.95 Original Price:$79.95

This personalized, interactive, online report paints a clear picture of how one’s interests and themes link to various jobs, work settings, and career fields. Useful for students to identify and pursue a major and career path. Explore majors and occupations based on your interest profile.

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This 8 page report is based on the well researched Strong Career Interest Inventory and details career themes and areas of career interest. it offers hyperlinks to the O’Net Online data base for further research into career options.

For nearly 80 years, the Strong assessment has provided time-tested, research-validated insights to help individuals in their search for a rich, fulfilling career. As one of the most widely used career planning instruments in the world, it has been used extensively in organizations and educational institutions of all sizes.